5 Ways to (Authentically) Market Your Poetry Book
The most important thing I learned is self-promotion doesn’t feel icky if you do it authentically and in a way that gives back to the poetry community.
7 Books That Changed the Way I Write and Think
These books are not only impeccably written but have had a direct impact on how I write, relate to myself and the world.
The One Question That Will Change Your Writing
If you want to be a writer, ask: What would a writer do? For me the answer is pretty simple, they would write. This question is my mantra.
Putting Together Your First Poetry Collection? Simple Steps to Get Started
The speaker of your book should start in one place, and through the course of the book, through contemplation and/or action, they end up in another place. Any great piece of art includes transformation.
Among the Vines: Thoughts on the Napa Valley Writers' Conference
This is one of the most exciting, balanced and beneficial workshop models I have ever seen.
Four Questions To Ask Every Poem: Using The Poetic Temperaments
A truly great poem is a well balanced ecosystem. It’s important that there is not too much or too little of one element. Using Orr’s Four Poetic Temperaments can help you to identity the exact element that is missing in a poem: story, structure, music, imagination.
Need a Poetry Win? Strategies for Submission
There is no magical poetry pill to get an automatic yes, but if you are looking for that “W” applying theses strategies will make a world of difference.
4 Questions Any Editor Should Ask Before Giving Feedback
Great editors let you drive, while guiding you from the passenger seat.
10 Poems that Made me a Better Poet
Here are 10 poems that made me a better poet, I offer them to you in celebration of National Poetry Month.
How to Order Your Poetry Collection Using Pixar's Advice
Clear steps on how to order your poetry collection or chapbook for maximum impact using Pixar's advice.
Feed Yourself First: How Failure Helped Me Change my View on Writing
A look at how you can make now the perfect time to write, instead of waiting for conditions that will never exist.
What We Don’t Consider When We Write About Family
A look at how writing about family, and discussing that work, can transform relationships.
In Defense of the Sprint: How 30 Day Challenges Helped Me Become the Writer I Wanted to Be
How I took a challenging year and “challenged” it back to become the writer I wanted to be.
Talk to Her: How I Stopped Hating My Body and Started Listening
How writing (and talking) helped me heal the complicated relationship between me and my body.
Submit Smarter
Advice for new and seasoned writers on how to use strategy to get their work accepted and read.
Joy is a Choice
Realizing the joy, stress, anger is all a choice. How I rearranged my life to like myself better.
How The Body is Passed Down
A reflection on how mother’s pass on their body image to their daughters and learning to speak to your body.